Tuesday 24 November 2009

Notes On Spooks and Cultural Identity represented in Spooks

Glamourous lifestyles- elite, upper class citizens. Large houses, expensive clothing etc
Emphasis on technology- Computers, Phones... used throughout
Patriotic in many senses- relationships with the British government, fighting for Britain etc (can link to Bond in this sense)
Authority and struggles with authority
"Goodies" and "Badies" clearly represented by nationality and general image.
Definite sense of danger- presented by the guns, bombs which are frequent.

Real similarities to how Bond is presented- elite, glamourous and a sense of danger.

Sunday 22 November 2009

How has the Internet changed our notion of collective identity?

Collective identity is, in principal, a social group that is constructed or that we, ourselves, form. The growth of the Internet has been the biggest change in technology over the past 10 years, and therefore it is inevitable that something as powerful as the Internet is going to chance our vision of society. The Internet has become a central part to our lives; used in a variety of occupations by a huge majority of the population it has become one of the most important communication developments of this century. We now live in an age of transmediality; a migration of content across a vast number of different media forms (the Internet being the solely most important platform for content being portrayed on). Therefore, the Internet has significantly affected the different groups in society causing a sense of fragmentation. Affecting this new generation of people, it is now a real difficulty for the older generations to interact with this new ‘digital’ generation or as often dubbed, ‘digital natives’ (2001, Marc Prensky, ‘Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants’). This younger generation or ‘digital natives’ have grown up with the Internet throughout their lives forcing their perception of the Internet to be a very important element to their lives. In contrast, the older generations or ‘digital immigrants’ have not grown up with the Internet forcing their perception of the Internet to be very limited plainly because they are not used to it and do not know entirely how it works.

Over the past couple of years, it has become clear that the media has changed in a number of different ways. This can be shown by the Media and web 1.0 and Media and web 2.0 ideas. This difference between the old media (web 1.0) and the new media (web 2.0) is that there is now a heavy emphasis on the people rather than media itself. For example, ‘The new media are no longer mass media… sending a limited number of messages to a homogenous audience… the audience itself becomes more selective’ Sabbah, 1985, suggesting that media is run on the audience rather than the mass.

We can see this by the increasing popularity of citizen journalism, which has increased in popularity ever since the Internet was made available to a variety of people through devises such as phones and iPods. Through social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace, it is now easier than ever to update news very quickly, ‘on-the-go’ and has become steadily popular with the ‘digital natives’. For example, the Hudson River plane crash in New York was first reported via a video on a phone which was then placed onto the persons Twitter account. In minutes, it had been reported to the world and is a real example of citizen journalism.

The sense was that the old media (media 1.0) was controlled by oligopolies, individuals such as Rupert Murdoch, who own a number of dominating companies. Now, the sense is that the media is controlled by the producer meaning streams of different opinions and more valuable media.

Marc Prensky’s article, ‘Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants’, 2001 places great emphasis on the collective identities and how they have been affected by the Internet. He states clearly the difference between the ‘Digital Natives’, ‘”native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet’, and the ‘Digital Immigrants’, ‘those who were not born into the digital world but have, at some point, become fascinated by and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology’. He places the population into these two separate groups and suggests that because they both speak different ‘languages’, it is difficult to teach because they no longer understand each other. For example, ‘our Digital Immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language’. Prensky says that ‘Digital Natives’ are used to receiving information really fast, thriving on instant gratification and frequent rewards. ‘Digital Immigrants’ have no real care for the skill that the ‘Natives’ have acquired and assume that the ‘Natives’ are the same as they have always been. Through things such as the Internet, the Digital Natives have a real belief that learning should be fun; via games, programmes and other technological delights. The Digital Immigrants, on the other hand, believe that learning shouldn’t and cannot be fun and that there should be emphasis on slow learning- through lectures, books and simple learning.

The Internet has fundamentally changed the ways in which we are to communicate between society. Before the Internet, the only real communication was the birth of telephone. The Internet has enabled communication through so many things such as; email, social networking, blogging, file-sharing sites, Internet chat. All of this is mainly used by the Digital Natives and is an extremely important part of their lives and was only really formed over the past decade. This rise in interaction can also be seen with sites such as Second life, where you play as an avatar and meet new people on the Internet. These sorts of sites have quite an ominous and ambiguous effect- you can pretend to be anyone you want to.

To conclude, the Internet has changed our notion of collective identity. No longer is there a concentration on Web 1.0- where the media is controlled by oligopolies and is very centralised, now the concentration is on Web 2.0- where the media is controlled by the producers through things such as citizen journalism. Collective identity can also be seen in Marc Prensky’s, ‘Digital Natives, Digitals Immigrants’ idea. With the difference between the generations and their perception of the Internet; the Digital Natives having grown up with the internet and is part of their daily life, and the immigrants having to get used to something they are not entirely comfortable with. The Internet has also changed the way us, as the collective identity, communicate with each other. We can be completely different people through avatars on sites such as Second life and Habbo Hotel. The power of the Internet has changed technology, conventions and ultimately our culture.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants by Marc Prensky (Notes)

Basically, i am going to write up the sections from the article which i found important, in note formation.

This so-called "singularity" is the arrival and rapid dissemination of digital technology in the last decades of the 20th century. Today's average college grads have spent less than 5000 hours of their lives reading, but over 10,000 hours playing video games (not to mention 20,000 hours watching TV).

...We can say with certainty that their thinking patterns have changed.

The "new" students of today have been dubbed as 'Digital Natives'. Our students today are all "native speakers" of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet.

Those people who were not born into the digital age, but have become facinated by most aspects of the new technology are dubbed "Digital Immigrants". Particular traits of the "Digital Immigrant" include turning to the internet for information SECOND rather than first and printing out a document written on the computer in order to edit it (rather then just editing on the screen).

The major problem, however, is the fact that our Digital Immigrant instructors, who speak an oudated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language... (Digital Natives).

Digital Natives are used to receiving information really fast. They thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards.
However, Digital Immigrants typically have very little appreciation for these new skills that Natives have acquired. Essentially, Digital Immigrants think that learning can't (or shouldn't be fun). The Digital Natives have no care for lectures, step-by-step logic and tell-test instruction. They are used to hypertext, downloaded music, phones in their pockets, a library on their laptops etc.

Digital Immigrant teachers assume that learners are the same as they have always been, and that the same methods that worked for the teachers when they were students will work for their students now.. but this assumption is no longer valid.

Today's teachers have to learn to communicate in the language and style of their students.
Second, the content. "Legacy"content and "Future" content.

Legacy content includes reading, writing, arithmetic, logical thinking, understanding the writings and ideas of the past, etc - all of our "traditional curriculum". It is of course still important, but it is from a different era.

Future content is to a large extent, not surprisingly, digital and technological.

We need to invent Digital Natives methodologies for all subjects, at all levels, using our students to guide us. It's dumb and lazy of educators - not to mention ineffective- to presume that (despite their traditions) the Digital Immigrant way is the only way to teach and that the Digital Natives "language" is not as capable as their own of encompassing any and every idea.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

FilmFour Presentation

We were also asked to produce a presentation on an industry and write about things such as political affiliations, finance, values and products. It was interesting in finding out about the history of the company in relation to these things, particularly the political bias of the company. I will post the presentation at a later date as it is presently with my friend.

Last lesson on Moral Panics

Last lesson in Media, we learnt all about moral panics in the media.
Typical definition: Abstract concept used to make sense of "irrational public hysteria". Public and academic debate on moral panic works on the assumption that the media plays a significant role in determining the characteristics of a moral panic. Signifies complex processes that shape public perceptions of a perceived threat to the moral code of society.

Processual Model (natural process, media cannot help) --> Attends to process of a moral panic. Seven defined stages (Stanley Cohen's "Folk devils and moral panics" [1973]
1) Emergence - when a form of behaviour becomes perceived as a threat.
2) Media Inventory - explanation of threat is manipulated by media (distortion, exaggeration)
3) Moral Entrepreneurs - groups or organisations speak out and offers solutions.
4) Experts - socially accredited experts who diagnose solutions.
5) Coping of Resolution - reaction of the media, moral entrepreneurs of experts leads to legal reform.
6) Fading Away - the condition disappears, submerges or deteriorates or becomes more visible.
7) Legacy - A panic can have a long term effect or creates big changes in social policy, the law or society's view of itself.

Attribution Model (accusatory - attribute to certain groups) --> Erich Goode + Nachman Ben-Tehudas study, "moral panics: the social construction of deviance" [1994]. Claims those working in the media, political institutions of the legal system impact on moral panics through "claims making". 5 elements or criteria distinguish attributes of moral panics.
1)Concern - A heightened level of concern, measurable through opinion polls etc
2)Hostility - Increased hostility to a group or category seen as an 'enemy' to respectable society (Folk Devils).
3)Consensus - A substantial segment of society agrees that the threat is real or caused by 'wrongdoers'
4)Disproportionality -The reaction by the public is out of proportion to the actual harm.
5)Volatility - The idea that moral panics are volatile (insecure) by nature, erupt quickly but also often subside quietly. Each episode cannot be sustained for long.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Identify how Sense and Sensibility and Four Weddings and a Funeral represent aspects of British society past and present…

British society is represented clearly in both Sense and Sensibility and Four Weddings. In Sense and Sensibility, society is clearly based on class and gender, as we can see represented in the opening of the film. There is a clear hierarchy between the characters, judging them on their class and most specifically their gender. Even from the first scene we can see that men have the dominance over the women, just by family tradition. As the father dies, instead of his possessions and wealth being passed on to his wife and family, it is instead passed to his brother, leaving his close family with nothing. In Four Weddings, however, we can see a real change in traditions. The women seem to be almost equal to the men. We can see this by the way Curtis has portrayed all the characters together as friends. There is no sense of hierarchy and power; it all seems to be very equal.

In Sense and Sensibility, women are very important to the plot and to the presentation of society. Fanny is an important character, particularly in the opening, as we get a real sense of her dominance. This is ironic, in comparison with the initial scene, because the audience are under the impression that men have authority over women. However, in the second scene with her husband, she clearly has the power over him making it humorous and ironic. Fanny is the first female character that we see; she is presented as upper-middle class, very proper and rich. She also speaks in a very posh English accent, which seems again quite comedic in comparison with her husband’s accent. Similarly, she is in posh attire also- she seems fashionable and rich. Fanny is clearly controlling over her husband and we can see this by the camera angles Li has chosen to portray. We can see Fanny’s power in the two-shot camera angle and by the amount of speaking Fanny does in comparison with her husband.

The representation of the Dashwood’s in Sense and Sensibility is very different. They seem depressed, upset at the loss of their home and possessions and obviously, the death of their father/husband. This is highlighted by the dark lighting presented throughout their house which suggests a mournful, morbid state which indicates their feelings and emotions at this stage. The music, piano playing in minor, also adds to this feeling of depression. Their clothing and attire is very simple and plain, in comparison with Fanny, connoting a less sophisticated and posh way of living. There is no clear sense of fashion in the characters. Camera shots and angles are also used in the passage to distinguish a sense of money and class. The sweeping shot over the portraits signifies the previous wealth of the Dashwoods and highlights the loss of their money now.

Class system is a really important part to this film. Leggott, J, 2008’s Contemporary British Cinema states that ‘class systems are a central or sub textual role to a plethora of films’. Indeed, in the case of Sense and Sensibility I believe this is correct for the reasons that, although gender is important, it is a presentation of the Upper-middle class at this time and therefore is important to the film. This sense of class being a central role to the film is highlighted later in the film with the meeting of Williby.

Four Weddings and A Funeral is based around the lives of a similar class of people, Upper-middle class. However, it differs completely in the values and traditions of women because it is a modern piece. The presentation of women is much more equal to that of men, there seems to be an equated boundary between the two sexes. They are seen, very much, as friends and are seen in many mid-shots as all together in a group. There is no real dominance in the film from either sex, which shows a changing tradition, although the film is on a similar story line to that of Sense and Sensibility. Both films are about marriage, and the need for it in society. However, the outcome differs in each movie. In Sense and Sensibility, the Dashwoods marry the ones they love and in Four Weddings, Hugh Grant ends up unmarried. Perhaps this is some revelation of the modern time we are in, and therefore Four Weddings has a much more normal tone to it. It is also ironic that Hugh Grant should appear in both movies as a main character. Hugh Grant is a statement of British cinema, and therefore we know these films are very British. He plays similar characters in both; bashful, kind and in desire of love which can link to what is said in Observer Film Month Quarterly’s article about Richard Curtis. ‘There are also, of course, classic Curtis characters which appear in most, if not all of Curtis' films- "hopeless floppy-haired young man in love’.

To conclude, we can see there are many similarities and differences to Sense and Sensibility and Four Weddings. Four Weddings seems more modern and honest in its presentation of love, where as Sense and Sensibility still has an almost fairytale-like quality with its outcome. This is because Four Weddings is modern, and Sense and Sensibility is an adaptation of Austen’s novel, written in the 1800’s. Both share similar British qualities, however, and are a presentation of the middle class. Indeed, it seems ironic how Hugh Grant should play almost identical characters in both but again this develops the British feel to the films.

CASE STUDY - Comparison of Slumdog Millionaire and Somerstown

Somers Town...
2008 film
Directed by: Shane Meadows
Written by: Paul Fraser
Starring: Thomas Turgoose, Piotr Jagiello, Kate Dickie, Perry Benson and Elisa Lasowski
(famously) Funded by: Eurostar

Film is about two boys who move to Somers Town in London from different places in the world. One comes from a difficult life in the Midlands, and the other a Polish Immigrant. Together, they go on adventures around London. The film is basically about a black + white study of a social environment in Somers Town, London.

Although the cast seems to be relatively foreign (most obviously Polish), I believe this film should be seen as British. Firstly because the director had also directed This Is England, a highly acclaimed British movie and secondly because it is about the social environment of London, Englands capital. It is set in London with english people, and even though the characters are Polish it is about their new life in London as immigrants.

Saturday 19 September 2009

CASE STUDY- Comparison of Slumdog Millionaire and Somerstown

Slumdog Millionaire...
Directed by: Danny Boyle
(Co-directed in India by Loveleen Tandan - translated portions of the english-written movie into Hindu)
Written by: Simon Beaufoy
Starring/Cast: Dev Patel, Freida Pinto, Madhur Mitta, Anil Kapoor etc
Adaption of novel Q&A by Indian author Vikas Swarup
Set and filmed in India
Warner Independent Pictures own rights to movie.

In a way, I do believe that this film is British. It was written and directed by Boyle and Beaufoy who were clearly English and Beaufoy had even written The Full Monty (1997), one of the most classic British films of all time.
Obviously, the cast had to be Indian because the film is based around the slums in Mumbai. But I also believe that it should be acclaimed as being an Indian film too. It was co-directed by Tandan, who had to translate the English script into Hindu to help develop the authenticity of film and it was an adaption of a novel by Indian author, Vikas Swarup. Therefore, I believe it is best to say that Slumdog Millionaire is a British film, but should be recognised as Indian too.

Lesson with LB

Last lesson, our teacher showed us two clips from two classic British films; Sense and Sensibility and Four Weddings and a Funeral. We were asked to make notes on several aspects including the view of women presented in each film. For our homework, we have been asked to transfer this information into an essay which i will post at a later date.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Contemporary British Cinema - Leggott, J, 2008

Representing Contemporary Britain-
Chapter offers individual sections on the representations of sexuality, gender and ethnicity in contemporary British Cinema. This chapter also divulges into the ways in which British Cinema has represented the perspectives and experiences of those dwelling in Contemporary Britain.

SEXUALITY--> Sexuality in British films has substantially changed over time. Also, it goes on to explain about how 'sexless' British cinema is, and how it always has complications and is never straight forward. Daniel Jaw says "another British film that approaches on erotically charged subject only to render it almost entirely sexless" (2005:74)

Sexuality is portrayed as the extremities - usually flippant (things such as comedies) or joylessly earnest (self destructive). Presented as pleasure-free
Portrayed as unusual - not a true representation and reflection of society. Eg, desires of the elderly (The Mother 2003), incestuous relationships (Song of the Songs 2006), and the workings of the sex industry (The Escort 2006).

Prominence of homosexuality- Dispersed across a range of subjects/genres eg homosexuality is becoming more normal and household. Mainstream films where homosexuality is prominent- The Full Monty + Billy Elliot where homosexual characters are 'pushed to the fringes'

CLASS- "According to the results of a poll carried out by the Guardian newspaper, ten years of Labour rule has failed to create a classless society." A huge majority of people are certain that their social standing determines the way they are judged (Glover 2007).

Class systems are a central or subtextual role to a plethora of films. Kaplan argues that Brassed Off, The Full Monty and Billy Elliot- all Northern set films that centre around a degrading heavy industry and a dismantling of union powers under the Conservative party in the 80's and 90's- all resolute in a positive, euphoric New Labour government.

Class also causes problems between characters in films. Films such as Pride and Prejudice and Atonement involve problematic relationships between characters positioned differently on the social scale.

At the turn of the millennium, Films such as Brassed Off, The Full Monty and Trainspotting all showed a clear class-based society, whereas the politics at the time was under Labour who were introducing a classless society.

ETHNICITY- Yasmin Alibhai-Brown accuses the British Film Industry of being 'myopic' in its failure to document and represent the experiences of ethnic minorities.

Perceived 'whiteness' of British film culture- singling out Richard Curtis as misrepresentative. Notting Hill, in particular "could not have tried harder to whiten the most famously black area in London" (2001:159)

However, the assimilation of British Asian narratives, characters and creative talent within UK film culture is one of the biggest success stories of recent British Cinema. Bend it like Beckham was overwhelmingly positive- parallels the achievements of its British Asian heroine with the achievements of a white English footballing hero suggesting that Britain can now be perceived as a more integrated and unified community.

Richard Curtis- Observer Film Quarterly March 09

A few of Curtis's most famous films: Four Weddings 1994, Mr Bean 1997, Notting Hill 1999, Bridget Jones 2001, Love Actually 2003.

Curtis's films, produced around the New-Labour years are indeed a direct representation of the political situation at hand in the UK. Curtis took New Labour's optimism and glorified happiness and transfered it into equally optimistic films surrounding love and happiness.
"He seems to want his films to evangelise the idea that the world is nowhere near as grim as most filmmakers like to think"(- for example Bridget Jones, a key example of a euphoric, New Labour character who brings happiness and laughter to the world.)

Curtis, or as it is dubbed 'Curtisland', is a reversal of the general order of cinema- Curtis's films are seen as an optimist amidst many pessimistic films produced at this time.

Curtisland continues from the positivity surrounding the introduction to New Labour and Blair going into the 'Brown era'. For example, Curtis' latest movie, The Boat That Rocked once again captures the political motion of the time. This is similar to other Curtis films such as the political situation at the time of Love Actually and in particular, Hugh Grants portrayal of Blair.

There are also, of course, classic Curtis characters which appear in most, if not all of Curtis' films- "hopeless floppy-haired young man in love, Hugh Grant in Notting Hill, Four Weddings and Tom Sturidge in The Boat That Rocked.
"Curtisland a place where anything can be recycled"

Active Reading- Media Studies Homework... "Media, pleasure and identity"

Media, Pleasure and Identity- Notes
Diaspora audience--> How dispersed global audiences use media to maintain connections with distant racial, ethnic religious or national homelands.
"A great deal of television watching is prompted by a need for ESCAPISM based on an aversion to thinking" - pivots on a distinction between sociological and psychological escapism....

Sociological escapism- forensic use of media, dissecting social impotence (what it would feel like to live in a world where you could be anyone and do anything because we know the real world is bad and grave)

Psychological escapism- referring to the need not just to escape society but to escape the self. One would watch it for life satisfaction, loneliness, tensions of personal efficacy.

Sherry- motivations for media use in DNA. Different patterns of media use depend on that persons brain chemistry.

Conclusion/Summary- Audiences are more than individuals with psychological needs determined by brain chemistry and DNA. Also, the fact that society believes our media habits in being mundane, idiosyncratic and common, shows that there is a sense of structure from media audiences rather than them being segregated and dis-organised.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Media Lesson 9.9.09

Today, we had our first Media Studies lesson for year 13 with Mrs Baird. In groups, we looked through articles which may come of use in the coming year. Ours was entitled, 'Media, Pleasure and Identity' which was an article surround the reasons people watched television. For example, it spoke about escapism and how our DNA could be a cause for what and why we watch television.

Atonement- Presentation of a British Film

Yesterday, Hannah and I got together to produce a powerpoint presentation about a British Film which we had both seen and could comment on. We were asked to state reasons why and how it was British. We commented on Mis-En-Scene, Iconic Images in the film and some standard information about the film. All of this together will make our portfolio for the British film industry.

Working Title Films- A British Film Institution

Working Title Films is a British company based in London, England. It produces feature films and some television productions. In 1991, it was involved in a bid for the London weekend ITV licence. A number of companies wanted to take over from London Weekend Television and broadcast under the name of London Independant Broadcasting. However, LWT retained its license and Working Titles attempt failed.

Here is a list of five films which were produced by Working Title Films:
Billy Elliot
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Plunkett and Macleane
Shaun of the Dead

Michael Caine

The English actor, Sir Michael Caine, born 14 March 1933, has appeared in more than 100 films and is one of only two actors to have been nominated for an Academy Award for acting (leading or supporting) in every decade since the 1960s. He became known for a number of critically aclaimed films, particularly in the late 1960s, '70s and '80s in films such as Zulu (1964), The Ipcress File (1965), Billion Dollar Brain (1967) and others as Harry Palmer, the woman-chasing title character in Alfie (1966), The Italian Job (1969), Get Carter (1971), The Man Who Would Be King (1975), Educating Rita (1983).
Caine was born in Rotherhithe, South East London and was brought up as a Protestant, like his mother. He grew up in Camberwell, England, and during World War II was evactuated to North Runcton, Norfolk.
Caine has been Oscar-nominated six times, winning his first Academy Award for the 1986 film Hannah and Her Sisters, and his second in 1999 for The Cider House Rules, in both cases as a supporting actor.
We are using Michael Caine as a case study in Media Studies. Studying his films, and comparing them. In 2000, Caine was knighted by the Queen for his contribution to cinema and the film industry in general.

Monday 13 July 2009

British Film Websites

This Is England

The website looks patriotic in its layout and colour scheme. The colours used are blue, red and white which are obviously the colours of the union jack. Central to the website is a small screen, displaying clips from the movie which are designed to entice the reader to the film. A release date is shown above the screen. Surrounding this, acting as a border, is the Union Jack flag broken up and segregated giving a disjointed feeling to the movie. On the left of the screen, is the drop down menu in a similar colour scheme. Towards the bottom left, there is an image of the dvd itself, again giving the audience some idea of what to look out for.

The Duchess

The website layout is very different for this movie. The actual layout is relitavely plain- simple monochrome colours, making it seem quite classic. Perhaps this classic feel can relate to the time and what the movie is about. Taking up the majority of the page, in the centre is a large screen showing clips from the film, again enticing the audience to see the film. At the top of the screen there is a banner, with the title in a large, bold font and on the left, an image of the dvd itself. Towards the bottom, there is a menu portrayed horizontally, looking classic and plain also.

Love Actually

The website begins with an introductory page, basically showing images from the film presented as a collage feel with a ribbon around it, showing that the film is almost a present, so automatically there are connotations of christmas. Then there is a pop up of the actual website itself, with a red and white layout, which has similar christmas connotations. Central in the pop up website is the image from the dvd with the different characters. There is a small menu at the bottom, going horizontally in similar colours and layout. At the top there is a banner of the film and its release date also.

Teaser Trailer - What is it?

A teaser trailer is a short trailer used to advertise an upcoming movie, for example a British film such as The Duchess. Teasers differ from the usual, standard trailer. Unlike typical trailers, they are usually much shorter (30-50 seconds) and contain little footage from the film, designed to leave the audience wanting more and 'teased'. They are usually released along time before the actual film is released. Teasers are often used in advertising also and are only really made for big-budget movies. For example, the latest Harry Potter film (The Half Blood Prince) was released in a teaser trailer for originally, again to tease the audience and leave them wanting more. The purpose of a teaser trailer is less to tell the audience about a movie's content, but more to let them know the movie is coming up in the near future. Although some movie trailers, for example Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, are released close to the films release itself, other films, for example the latest Star Wars film was released over a year before the film itself was finally released.

Friday 3 July 2009

Get Carter and The Italian Job - a comparison

Yesterday we watched the beginning to a film named Get Carter, starring Michael Mccain. Previously, we had watched the opening to The Italian Job, also starring Mccain, about a similar subject of crime but the films were portrayed very differently. The Italian Job demonstrated a much more glamourous stance on crime- lots of beating up 'bad guys' and women. Get Carter was much more gritty and violent, showing the dangerous and dramatic side of crime. It was interesting to see Mccains portrayal in both film because he had to play different, very opposite characters making the two films almost juxtapose with each other.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Beginning of Year 13 Media

Over the past week, we have started A2 Media and have been finding out about the British film industry and 'britishness'. Also, with LB we have been looking at webpages and are creating our website surrounding the subject. With Mr Eve, we are looking at 1950-1960's traditional british films like Saturday Night, Sunday Morning. Last lesson, we looked at the Italian Job and today we're looking at another Michael Caine film, Get Carter.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Final Media Evaluation

For our final piece in media, we were asked to produce an opening to a film of whatever genre and style we wished. We, collectively, decided to choose the genre of thriller/horror as we believed that this genre would be challenging, would test our creativity and knowledge of the subject but would be a lot of fun to produce. Our film was about a young woman, named Sally Thomas, who lived with her psycho boyfriend, Dave. Although the story changed throughout the process, the main idea was that Sally was suspiciously murdered, but being a single woman with no family and living in almost a minuate village means that her body was never discovered. After the murder sequence, there would be a brief clip of a scene where the same boyfriend, Dave, would be onto his next victim in his serial killings. My partner and I decided to really emphasise the mis-en-scene of a typical horror film. We did this by filming at night, using dim lighting and using sinister and ominous objects which are used in other films of this genre (for example, the motif of the phone is used in Scream). The main audience for our media piece was a wide range of people. We wanted to aim it at an older children audience principally ranging from teenagers up to young adults (15-25 age group). Generally, I am quite pleased with the opening, however I believe (from our feedback and own opinion) that some objectives we did not achieve.

Our media piece used many forms and conventions similar to other media products of the genre of thriller. We decided to make this one of our most important aims. For this to happen, we looked at many thriller openings to see how we could create the desired effect of tension. Typical conventions found in this genre include examples such as the setting should be at night time, there should be some form of suspicious act occurring (in most films, a murder), there should be a stereotypical bad character who is committing/has committed these actions and that a great deal of tension should be built up by music, lighting and objects. We decided to use these particular conventions for out piece.

Music and sound effects was obviously an important part of the editing process and, in my opinion, was one of the strongest parts of the piece. We decided to use quite perilous music, with a strong beat. The music we used was also non-diegetic, which, in my opinion, played a significant role in creating the atmosphere to the opening. We also found that it was important to include some diegetic noises (for example, the ringing of the telephone and noise of the radio) in creating, again, a similar effect. However, our piece does challenge stereotypical conventions of the horror genre. It does this by having the actual murder take place off screen and the fact that we never actually find out if he kills her or not. Also, the murder occurs in an ordinary household which isn’t, necessarily, the most likely place for a murder to take place and does, in my opinion, add to the tension as the audience empathises with the fact that this could happen to them.

Semiotics was another important objective that my partner and I really tried to empathise. We used key objects to portray this. For example, the use of the phone as a motif was important for the fact that it was generally quite a sinister object. The phone denotes, obviously, communication (in this case lack of it) and connotes many things such as an anonymous caller, which are familiar to films such as Scream. Also, the continuous ringing of a phone is quite a sinister and ominous sound which adds to tension. Also, the use of the setting in a household adds to the tension and occurs in films such as, again, Scream.

The social groups that my film represents are, when thinking about class, probably working class- blue-collar workers. This is shown by the clothes that Sally wears – she is not presented as being particularly smart and her clothes are baggy and plain. Also, her house is quite small and she rides a bicycle – a free mode of transport. I believe she is representing, also perhaps, the student population. This is clear from the folders she is carrying which connotes education and work.

In my opinion, I believe that the sort of media institution that would distribute our product would probably be a company such as the BBC. I believe that our film would probably work better as a television programme because it is quite a small and slight story and could work as just an episode in a series (for example, like an episode of something like Hustle). I believe that it would work better as this for the reason that the story is probably not complex enough to make into a film and the BBC often produces programmes of a similar nature (For example, Tales of the Unexpected and the Detective Linely series). However, I believe that if the story were to be expanded to a greater detail, it is possible that a institution such as Universal Pictures could create a feature film as the genre is generally more suited to films.

The audience, which our film is probably based towards, is definitely towards teenagers and young adults. This is mainly because the characters and actors we have chosen are of that age (young adults) and the genre of horror tends to be suited for a younger audience. This can be seen in films such as The Blair Witch Project that is based around a group of teenagers who get lost in the forest. Another reason why it is based towards teenagers is the fact that we use quite colloquial language and we use technologies, which are suitable towards teenagers, and they can really empathise with them (for example, the mobile phone).

From the process of constructing the opening, I believe I have learnt a lot about media technologies and the sort of programming needed – in particular, making reference to the editing software we used which was, in our case, iMovie. Although, at times, it was complex to use (I’m particularly referencing to the sound issues we had and the difficulty of copying a sound from a home computer to the Apple computers at school), I believe generally it was fairly simple software, which make it particularly easy for my group who had no previous experience. I believe that one of the easiest parts of the editing process was the cutting and moving of the clips. This was fairly self-explanatory and was definitely something new I’d learnt about technology.

Looking back now at my preliminary task, my knowledge of the subject of editing and filming has expanded vastly and I believe I am now much better equipped for doing this sort of task again as my ideas have changed as well. For example, in my preliminary task, I had no realisation of how important things such as mis-en-scene and semiotics were in creating a dynamic product. In my preliminary task, I tended to ignore such things as conventions and concentrated a lot more on things like camera shots and, to an extent, sound and music. In comparison with my preliminary task, I feel that I have improved my understanding of everything in media and I definitely feel that my final piece is a vast improvement on my preliminary task, despite the negativities.


Basically, it has taken FOREVER to actually get this thing to the teachers, so i have put it on my blog too!! Just been doing some media revision on Anchorage and Post-modernism and feel SO much more comfortable. Anyway! Here it is! :D